Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December Goal- An Elfish Finish~

It is the 'elfing' month-

For December I have a whole list of things to finish..

as most of you do, I am sure!

At the top of my list is a little organizing help
made with these crafty/sewing fabrics.

I need to keep it a bit of a surprise, but I am 
running out of days to get it finished!

What are you working on these days?

This monthly finishing idea has been such a mOtIvaTOR..
I really appreciate everyone involved!

Fly on over here to see what everyone else is working on-

Happy Elfing.....


  1. Love your title, it caught my eye. Fun to see your fabric. I have secrets, too. Hope to see yours at the end of the month, and I'll post my sister's surprise then, too.


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